This was a last minute show that KYLESA played in Flagstaff Arizona October 1, 2010 when tour mates High On Fire had some mechanical problems and the promoter canceled the show scheduled for the orpheum. Filmed with two cameras in a packed living room somewhere in Flagstaff AZ. Two Prime camera spots filmed the FULL SET. Camera 1 stands in what would appear to be side stage with a direct view. Camera 2 stood 7 feet center of front mic on top a rickety old chair.The house was packed and word had spread quickly that the band would play a free Living room show that night.I estimate 80 + fans showed up to see the band perform. We had driven up from Phoenix to film both sets and had only just entered Flagstaff when we heard news of the Cancellation and subsequent plans to organize an alternate venue for the band to play. Nice chest up closeups for most the show. Lot of Crowd surfing and heads that were mostly worked around. Sound is better than what anyone would have expected albeit the vocals were a bit low in the mix.Overall this show looks great despite the caveats and was a unique setting to see this band play. Cheers!
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Posted on by kurleedaddee
Incantation – May 14 2000
Posted on by kurleedaddee